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Stephenson Middle School

Dekalb County Schools

Pine Ridge RebrandRead More ▸
Pine Ridge Rebrand
spring break   no Students   4/07-4/11/2025
Black  history bowl
Pictures from the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Harriet Woodard Wellness Room
Boys basketball champions 2025
tug of war
Awards day celebration
chess tournament, congratulations omari g & Mohammad S.
2 library ladies and a nurse
Ms. Taylor's & Ms. Jones' Soil Lab
atlanta aquarium field trip
kinetic and potential energy in action
congratulations for spelling bee - omari g
clear book bags only.  leave phone in locker
Welcome.  Click here for quick links.
for help with virtual learning tools call the dekalb county school district...picture of a lady working at her computer
Sora's here. Check it out.  Enjoy reading audiobooks and ebooks. Find them by going to Clever and clicking on Sora.  Little rocket person with shoes.

Upcoming Events

Mar 25

PTSA Virtual Meeting

6:30 PM Read More..
Mar 28

March Madness School Dance

4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Read More..
Mar 28

Progress Reports Available

Read More..
Mar 29

DCSD Teacher & Paraprofessional Job Fair @ MLK High School

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Read More..
Apr 7

Spring Break (No Students) 4/07-4/11/2025

Read More..
May 9

Progress Reports Available

Read More..

Latest News

Letters, Flyers, etc. - 2nd Semester
Letters, Flyers, etc. - 2nd Semester
Spring MAP Testing 
3/17 - 3/21/2025
Makeup Testing: 3/21 - 3/28
6th, 7th and 8th grade students will participate in the following assessments: Reading, Math, Science and Language Usage.

Tutorials from 2/04 - 4/03/2025,
If you have not signed up, please do so now! 
Open to All SMS Students. 
Sign Up Deadline: 2/10/2025
Letter in both Spanish and English with sign up link, description & qr codes:

Student STEM Application
Parent Information: STEM Parent Message.docx.pdf
Application Deadline: 1/31/2025

Inaugural quarterly issue of the DeKalb County School District Family Assessment Newsletter.
This newsletter is a new communication tool designed to ensure that parents receive assessment related information in a timely manner
DCSD also had the newsletter translated to ensure that our EL families have access to the information.

The Jaguar Junction, weekly e-newsletter w/school, district, community, and media center news:
Meetings & Events - 2nd Semester
Meetings & Events - 2nd Semester
DCSD Summer School Programs
The DeKalb County School District will host several summer programs that include academic regression academies, enrichment camps, credit recovery, and tutoring. Brief descriptions of the district-wide programs are on the attached document.

Virtual PTSA Meeting
Tuesday March 25,2025 at 6:30 p.m. 
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 412 269 0609

Let's Get Test Ready
9:00 a.m. - Virtual Meeting via TEAMS OR
5:30 p.m. - In person @ SMS Cafeteria
“Test Ready” Presentation:
Pdf version with hyperlinks
Video version

SMS Black History Expo & Student Wellness Room Opening
Wellness Room: 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Black History Expo: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

DCSD Virtual Parent Education Sessions
Child Find, Hospital Homebound & Section 504
1/30/2025 @ 6:00-7:30 p.m. on ZOOM

Rising 9th Grade Course Selection Meeting
1/09/2025 @ 5:00 p.m. 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. @ Stephenson Middle School
Flyer: Flyer.pdf
Surveys for Parents
Surveys for Parents
Student Assignment Project (SAP) Survey:
SAP is a comprehensive planning process that aligns the values of the community and district in assigning students to schools and programs.  Your input is great appreciated and will assist us!  This survey only takes 10 minutes and has been re-opened until 3/17/2025.
Survey with QR code in English: English_SAP Survey Flyer 1 (new).pdf
Survey with QR code in Spanish: Spanish_SAP Survey Flyer 1 (new).pdf

Family Friendly Schools Initiative: 

This initiative, developed by the Department of Family and Community Empowerment, is designed to help our schools create and maintain a welcoming and positive learning environment for all students and families.  Your input will directly contribute to enhancing the school experience for students and families.

Please take a few moments to complete the survey by selecting one of the links below:
English Version:
Spanish Version:

Family Friendly Schools flyer: Family Friendly School Flyer 2024_New.pdf
We greatly appreciate your partnership in ensuring that every DCSD student and family feels supported and valued.

Title I Survey:
As a parent or guardian of a child attending a Title I school, your participation is crucial in shaping the Title I team. Your thoughts and opinions are valuable in developing and carrying out parent engagement initiatives and events in your school(s).
The goal of all Title I programs is to support eligible students in meeting the same high academic standards as their peers.
Please take a moment to fill out a confidential survey.  Your responses will aid us in planning future parental involvement activities and events at our school. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and we thank you for taking the time (10 minutes) to complete this survey.

2025 Girls' Soccer Schedule:

2024-2025 Basketball Schedule:

Student rotation and bell schedule:
DeKalb County School District Offers Edulog Parent Portal App
DeKalb County School District Offers Edul...
The DeKalb County School offers parents and guardians information about their child’s school bus ride in the free smart phone app Edulog. The app allows users s to follow their child’s  bus on a real-time map and stay up-to-date with notifications when that bus nears the bus stop, the school, or a custom alert zone. Parents and guardians only receive access by registering with data unique to their child.
Supply Lists
Supply Lists
In the case you like to plan ahead, here is the 2024-2025 Supply List for Stephenson Middle:
Summer Registrar Information - Important!
Summer Registrar Information - Important!
SMS Registrar Contact Information: Email: [email protected]
Office Phone (678) 676-4406 or (678) 676 4403

No lines, no missing work, convenient access!
All students who are planning to attend a school in the Dekalb County School District MUST pre-register online.
If you need assistance, please contact our office at (678) 676-4406 or (678) 676-4403
Online Pre-Registration is an effort to make registration efficient for parents. It’s simple, easy and you can register your children from the comfort of your home and at your convenience.  Click through to read more!
Please click here to access detailed registration information and valuable links to help you: SMS REGISTRAR WEBSITE1.pdf
The Jaguar Junction - Friday Edition
The Jaguar Junction - Friday Edition
Read all about school news, the Media Center, new databases, community events, classroom activities, and more! 
On Vacation Until 2024-2025 School Year

Mission & Vision

The vision of the DeKalb County School District is to inspire our community of learners to achieve educational excellence. Our mission is to ensure student success, leading to higher education, work, and life-long learning. We are making this vision and mission a reality – every day, in every classroom throughout the District.

Through community forums, focus groups, listening sessions, and more, we have engaged our stakeholders, refined our objectives, honed our procedures, and formulated a robust, highly-structured yet agile and adaptive strategic plan. We are pleased with the progress we have made thus far, and excited about the future – of our District, our community, and, most importantly, the 100,000+ students who daily bring to us their limitless potential.

The District has created performance measures, targets, and initiatives to ensure success in each goal area. A monitoring and data collection process has been developed, and rigorous progress check procedures have been implemented. At the local level, on-going training sessions are offered to all principals in order to support the work of aligning, refining, monitoring, and evaluating the continuous improvement efforts of each individual school.

As a community of learners, we are committed to excellence in everything we do – within the classroom and throughout the District. This continuous improvement process permeates each aspect of our Strategic Plan, and we are honored to partner with you to make it a reality for all.